Social Networking for Teaching and Learning

I focused my research on the utilization of social media for healthcare and healthcare education. Throughout my research I have learned that the use of social media in healthcare and healthcare education provided some very noticeable similarities, both good and potentially problematic. Most of the videos, articles and studies that I read or watched, outlined similar advantages to utilizing social media platforms. Some of the advantages are that they provide an opportunity for patients and students to gain access to medical professionals. This is important to providing a service to the community but also a chance for physicians to “get the word out” about new technologies, treatments and preventative education. Sharing information was also a very big theme for using social media.

The negatives really boiled down to potential privacy issues. Because social media is there for everyone and may not have the security measures in place to protect patient’s privacy, could be a problem.

Use of Social Media in Medical Education - Alireza Jalali, MD, DESMS

Dr. Jalai discusses the emergence and acceptance of utilizing social media for healthcare education. He discusses the importance of using social media platforms to reach more patients and educate them about advances in medical care. 

Top 5 Ways Social Media is Used by Healthcare Professionals

This article highlights five different ways that social media tools are used by healthcare. It discusses the advantages for patient education, healthcare professional education and communication.

24 Outstanding Statistics & Figures on How Social Media has Impacted the Health Care Industry

This article highlights statistics that helps consumers and healthcare professionals understand why social media platforms provide useful information and are widely used for healthcare education. This shows staggering statistics about how apps and social media is impacting healthcare.

What if Dr House used Twitter?

Bertalan Mesko talks about how he has embraced and curated his own medical information and PLE’s as a medical student. 

Social Media Use in Nursing Education

This is an interesting article that examines how social media can effectively and safely be used in nursing education and how pedagogical changes will accompany these advances. It also discusses best practices in using social media and making usability compliant with privacy issues.

The 7 Benefits of Social Media in Healthcare

This article outlines 6 benefits to using social media in healthcare. It discusses the benefits for medical practices sharing and networking and patients gaining access to healthcare information. It also points out the value of getting information about the specific practitioner out to the masses.

Benefits of Utilizing Social Media in the Health Care Industry

This article provides a different take on the benefits of social media in healthcare. It offers insight into the cost-effective nature of promoting healthcare messages.

Social Media in Medical Education

This video provides an overview of the role of social media in contemporary medical education, including tips for implementing a social media presence.

Social Media and Free Open Access Medical Education: The Future of Medical and Nursing Education?

This article provides a contrasting look at the pros and cons of using social media in healthcare education. It also discusses The Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) movement and how this movement will be of use in the future of medical education.


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