Elements of Educational Technology

Elements of EDTECH

I see now why all of my fellow teachers are so resistant to change! We have been teaching as traditional "brick and mortar" institutions for so long that when you have to create something new (an online teaching environment), we feel so vulnerable. When I started this course, it  was very difficult for me to get out of my comfort zone of, in class lecture and assignments, and even start thinking of switching it up.

Educational Technology is a field that isn't just growing but is quickly becoming a necessity. I liked reading about the Elements of Educational Technology because it really solidified how I need to approach this program. I think it forces you to think about every angle of your website, blog, online forums, etc. I have met many teachers that "fake it, till they make it" in the classroom and that is definitely not possible online. You are out there for all to see (and see again and again and again). I feel that Educational Technology raises the bar for all teachers, are you up for the challenge?

Please check out my opinion on elements:


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