Module 2 “Personal Expression of Module Concepts”

In Module 2, we looked at Communities of Practice, Connectivism and Personal Learning Networks. These concepts are similar but have distinct roles in furthering knowledge and gaining support.

Communities of Practice

In the medical field, professionals need to embrace a dynamic knowledge path. What I mean is, because medicine and technology advance so rapidly, the professional must always be learning the newest and most effective method of treating a patient. “A community of practice is not merely a club of friends or a network of connections between people. It has an identity defined by a shared domain of interest” (Wenger, E., & Wenger-Trayner, B., 2015). 

I have chosen a picture of a neural pathway to represent the CoP. A nerve impulse travels throughout an intricate network of nerves that ultimately converge at the brain. The common goal is to deliver a message and each nerve is working towards a common goal.


In the digital age, it helps if learners can stay connected to their different networks and CoP’s. This connectivity helps the learner share and draw updated information and feel as an active part of their learning.

The picture that I chose represent connectivism, demonstrates the correlation between medicine and technology. “Rather than memorizing facts and learning broad concepts, Connectivism suggests that learners should be able to analyze problems and understand how to tackle those problems by navigating their own path to knowledge” (Remington, 2011).

Personal Learning Networks

Personal Learning Networks provide a person an opportunity to expand their knowledge and be in control of their own learning. The concept of the PLN is rooted in the theory of connectivism (Graffin, 2015)

The graphic that I created to represent PLN’s shows how a medical professional will share knowledge on the internet via social media or something to spread the knowledge to anyone that wishes to utilize it.


Wenger, E., & Wenger-Trayner, B. (2015). Introduction to Communities of Practice. A Brief Overview of the Concept and its Uses. Online: http://wenger-trayner. com/introduction-to-communitiesof-practice.

Remington, Kegan (2011, April 29). Connectivism: learning as a community

Graffin, Michael (2015, March 19). What the heck is a PLN?


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